Spiritual Exercise

Spiritual Exercise


There is what we call Spiritual Revival & Awareness/Alertness Exercise. After we must have undergone our usual 3 days fasting & prayer deliverance exercise. There is the secret of totally destructing the evil spirits assisting the strongman of your life which was killed(subdue) during deliverance exercises by the power of the Holy Ghost(Mark 3:27, Luke 8:2; Matthew 12:43-45, Mark 5:1-5, Matthew 17:21 & Mark 9:29). The unpleasant attacks & delays to some of our testimonies are caused by some evil spirits which escaped the arrows of our prayers at the time the original strongmen of our lives were destroyed, they might have succeeded to escape due to evil files in the laboratory of our  father’s house. These secret files are used as legal grounds to claim ownership of most vital parts of our lives where we are still believing God for total victory.

If all equations about you is true, that, you are a born again Christian, living a pure, holy & spirit-filled life, you are also very prayerful but you notice that after your deliverance{It might not be in all cases}you get some deliverances in some areas and did not in other areas of your life. Let me be specific, say you got married after a powerful deliverance because the strongman wedging war against you as a single brother or sister was destroyed, now after 5 years of your marriage you & your spouse are struggling to have children{No Pregnancy-No Baby}. you begin to wonder but the strongman is dead why am I not fruitful with children, beloved, of a truth the strongman was destroyed but its assisting evil spirits escaped through those hidden family/personal files of anger, bitterness, curses, covenants of ancestral unfruitfulness, barrenness, childlessness, bad habitual practices etc you or your ancestors had with the devil & demons which are presented as legal ground to deny you or stop the fullness of your testimonies. These wicked spirits have sound memories of unconfessed sins & family evil covenants that are still in place which rendered the prayers from your foundation not effective enough to destroy them while they are guiding the files. Any evil file destroyed is a testimony that will be announced in your life. Now, they act as newer strongmen to mock your prayers & your God. Of course no creature can mock God but we make them powerful by our unattended sins or the sins of ancient blood related family members. At this point you must look inward and consciously stop some evils in your life. You must also cry out to God to help you use his grace turn you away from committing these sins & confess on-behalf of your ancestors their iniquities for God to forgive your family.

The way to achieving this complete deliverance is to embark upon Spiritual Revival & Alertness/Awareness Exercise for 7 days of fasting & prayer, breaking your fast each day by 6pm. You have to make your last meal be 11.30pm of any day. By the grace of God, Jesus been our Savior, the author & finisher of our faith, he will certainly appear to deliver & restore you with your full blown deliverances and awaited breakthroughs.

This is the spiritual formulae I am talking about & the number one secret of ending this evil show of both the Strongman and its assisting evil spirits or powers in your life. {3 days Deliverance Exercise +  7 days Spiritual Revival Exercise = Total Restoration/Victory}

Please remember 1 Thess 5:17, even if you don’t get your complete deliverance from the above, just continue to pray or repeat the action and God will surely answer you in the name of Jesus, amen.

{JPT Ministries-Deliverance & Restoration Team).