Operation Andrew

Operation Andrew


Operation Andrew works by tapping Social Networks
John had spoken to his friend Andrew. Andrew spoke with his brother Simon. Jesus found Phillip and Phillip connected with a friend, Nathanael. In this example, there is not a whole lot of cold-turkey door-knocking evangelism happening. Rather a spread of the good news through existing social networks: among friends and family. This has been translated into a strategy the Billy Graham Association calls Operation Andrew.
Basic Strategy of Operation Andrew
This is a variant of some of the Bring a Friend campaigns. The basic steps over 6 weeks are as follows: Pass out Operation Andrew cards or brochures six weeks prior, and walk through the steps together as a congregation.
• Pray and ask the congregation to write names on their Operation Andrew cards of friends, family, or neighbors who are lost.
• In the following weeks, hold a congregational prayer time for the people listed on cards.
• Ask God for opportunities to invite people to “Bring a Friend” Sunday.
• Use a simple prayer: “Open my eyes, open their hearts, open my mouth.”
• Use a variety of ways to remind people frequently to pray for those on their lists.
• On “Bring a Friend” Sunday, share the opportunities in your church that are easy for new people to connect. These opportunities should be about building relationships, not promoting church membership.
• Present the Gospel clearly on “Bring a Friend” Sunday, and give people a chance to respond.
• Hold another event soon after “Bring a Friend” Sunday such as a Question and Answer dinner, a time to meet the pastor and staff, or a musical night.
• Make sure that opportunities are available in the subsequent weeks for follow-up and discipleship.
• 5 Principles of Operation Andrew
• From the BGEA website (link Broken):
• Look Around where you live, work, or go to school—this is your mission field. Make a list of names of individuals you know who need Jesus Christ, and commit to pray for the people on your list regularly.
• Look Up because God changes people through prayer. Pray each day for those on your list, that God will give you opportunities to share His love with them.
• Look Out for ways to cultivate friendships with each person on your list. Spend time with them. An invitation to dinner or a sporting event will build friendships, which can open the way to talk about Christ. Remember: don’t preach. Listen and be a good friend.
• Look Forward and begin to talk with each person on your list about watching a television program or a Billy Graham TV Special, going to the Billy Graham Library, reading a book, going to church, or attending an event such as a Crusade or Festival with you. Choose a specific date, pray, and invite them.
• Look After those who respond to Christ or even begin to show interest in the Gospel, for they need your encouragement. Continue to love and pray for those who do not respond.

10 Ways to Pray for Inviting Visitors to Church: The Research on Church Invitations-BY EVANGELISMCOACH.ORG

Charles Arn has surveyed thousands of people:

In your research, have you found that there’s one specific reason that visitors come to church?

The friendship factor.

We’ve asked more than 50,000 people over the last 10 years why they came to church, and between 75 and 90 percent of respondents say, “I began attending because someone invited me.”

In an earlier study, people came to church through the following forms of contact:

2% by Advertisement
6% by the Pastoral Invitation
6% by organized evangelism campaign
86% by friends or relatives (Source: The Inviting Church)
In Other Studies:

One study found 37% of Christians linked their conversion to being invited to church (Johnson, p. 91, citing a 2003 study)
Martha Grace Reese’s work showed 40% who joined first came because a friend invited.
But only 2% of church people invite an unchurched person to church? (Thom Ranier, 2003).

Can we change that, particularly as Easter approaches?

Praying to Invite Visitors.
Recently, I listened to Church Talk Radio and they had a brief 5 minute segment on praying your work in inviting people to church. I added the last four.

Pray for your potential Guests (see How to Make a Prayer List of Friends)
Pray for the opportunity to arise to invite them to Church
Pray for awareness of their need (See What is Spiritual Thirst?)
Pray for awareness of the opportunity
Pray for the courage to invite them to church.
Pray for favor that they would accept the invitation.
Pray they would follow through and come.
Pray that your church would welcome them.
Pray that the message and worship would be awe-inspiring (See 2 Things Grow a Church)
Pray that they would hear the message and grow one step closer to God.

Continue in next episode, all contents culled from EVANGELISMCOACH.ORG.