Prayer Warrior

Prayer Warrior

Prayer is you talking to God on a matter and God talking back to you on the same matter.
This ministry praying group is committed to praying for the church, church families, church new families and other persons within and outside the church. They also pray for the success of other things embarked upon by the church and by others. They are engaged in deep spiritual warfare against witchcraft forces and their agents who are planning evil against the church of God and her members. (Eph 6:12, Col 2:15, 2 Cor 10:4). Their prayer is ceaseless by the grace of God (1 Thess 5:17, Lk 18:1). The group is the Holy-Ghost trouble-maker of this end-time against the works of darkness. Their primary assignment is to pray for the success of the church. For example: Abraham (Gen 18:22-33), Jehoshaphat (2Chron 20:15), Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego (Dan 3:17-18) were great prayer warriors in the bible. If this is your area of calling or you have a deep interest in prayers, you are invited to join this group.