Kingdom Investors

Kingdom Investors

In John 4:35-36, Kingdom Investors are Covenant Sowing-Seed Christian partners who have committed their lives and all they have to support the projects of the church. They promote the ministries of sowing/giving and reaping/harvesting for the church and they rejoice at the successful harvest of the church. They have entered sowing covenant with God with their finances, time, passion, prayer and everything they have to make sure that the kingdom of God here on earth does not lack any good things. Their hearts are fixed to Kingdom Investments and its Principles. (Matt 6:20, Lk 6:38). They strongly believe anything they have comes from and belong to God as they give it back to God. Christians in this group never lack because God has always been their source. God gives so we can invest in his kingdom. In Luke 8:3-The women in the bible invested greatly in Jesus’s ministry. They were richly bless by God in return. Kingdom Investors support:

>Church Building Fund Projects.

>Sought out Church member donors to support church building projects.

>Organize Believers/Members’ Building Fund-Raising Luncheons to raise funds for Church Building Projects/Missions and Others Projects.

>Raise funds for other Missionary Projects run by the church in other nations. Etc.

>Plant small businesses in relation to ministry empowerment.

If this is your area of calling or you have a deep interest in kingdom investments, you are invited to join this group. Actually, every true child of God who believes God owned them should join this group and be an active member.