

Through the power of the Holy-Spirit, this church group helps in the spreading of the gospel of light i.e. the word of God to the world by mass preaching, one-on-one preaching or personal witness, by hand distribution of gospel tracts, by visitation, by community support activities, by the introduction of welfare support programs reaching out to the dying souls for Christ, by hospital outreach praying exercise to the sick, etc.
Their primary aim is to prayerfully go out to preach the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to every part of the world through the help of the Holy-Spirit. (Matt 28:18-20, Mk 16:15, Rom 10:15). For example: Brother Paul was a great evangelist in the bible. If this is your area of calling or you have a deep interest in evangelism, you are invited to join this group. However, everyone is supposed to be an evangelist for Christ.