


What is deliverance?

We need deliverance in all areas of our lives but there are three (3) major areas of our lives & foundations we need deliverance most. These areas are:
(I) Our Spiritual foundation
(II) Our Mental foundation
(III) Our Emotional foundation
Foundation is the ground on which other pieces rest or are covered. For example the ground and the structures or framework that were laid before a house is built or the roots holding a tree firm to the soil are the foundations of the house or the tree. If any, the ground, the framework or roots have problems, both the house and the tree will fall to the ground flat. This is the major reason why you and I need deliverance and restoration because somethings have gone wrong in our Spiritual foundation. If your Spiritual foundation is affected or attacked by the forces of darkness, all other foundations such as your Physical foundation, Health foundation, Social foundation, Academic foundation, Business foundation, Financial foundation, Moral foundation, Ministerial foundation, Ancestral foundation, Mental foundation, Emotional foundation, Relational foundation, Continental foundation, Marital foundation through which they are all attached to your Spiritual foundation will also be affected and attacked. Our spiritual controls the physical and other foundations mentioned above. The bible says in Psalm 11:3, ‘’If the foundations be destroyed what can the righteous do?’’ Both the righteous and the sinner whose foundations are destroyed will seek for deliverance and restoration in deep and violent prayers. (Matt 11:12, Obad 17, Ps 107:20, Isa 49:24-26, Jn 8:32, Matt 18:18, Gal 5:1, Exo 22:18, Eph 6:12, Lk 10;19, Jn 8:36, Isa 10:27, Lk 1:37). When deliverance takes place there will be family and national relieves and releases. Deliverance is only possible through the power of God.
1, Deliverance is to destroy the forces of darkness attacking your spiritual and physical foundations.
2, To ask God to help you stop sin and you being empowered by God through your conscious discipline to prayerfully wage war against the powers of sin.
3, To be freed from dark hands pressing you down.
4, To stop Satan and Demons from controlling and dominating your life.
5, To render powerless the strongman confronting your joy.
6, To be loosen and freed from destiny terminators.
7, To escape from the mouth and poisonous stings of both the serpents and the scorpions.
8, To stop the mockery of your enemies in your life.
9, To destroy the powers that wants to kill your pregnancy.
10, To refuse the evil verdicts passed against your health.
11, To get out from the land of retardation and joblessness.
12, To break down the barriers of your father’s house against your upward movement.
13, To stop the pursuing pharaohs from entering your dreams and out of your dreams.
15, To force the evil taskmasters and strongmen to carry their load.
16, To break the backbones of curses and evil covenants upon your head.
17, To sack poverty and financial backwardness and embarrassment out of your life.
18, To imprison the powers that refused you from getting married and having marital joy and marriage peace.
19, To bind the forces working against your immigration breakthroughs.
20, To retrench the powers against your salvation and prayer life.
21, To destroy the water spirits defiling your body day and night.
22, To put an end to satanic fear, phobia, nightmare and evil dreams.
23, To stop witchcraft and occult attacks.
24, To dethrone the evil Judge entertaining your case for evil.
25, To overthrown and defeat sickness strongmen in your life.
26, To end the show of constant nakedness, confusion, shame and disgrace in both your physical life and your dream.
27, To wipe out evil handwritings or marks of demotion, rejection, disfavor, predicament, depression, disappointment, failure and bewitchment in your life.
28, To suffocate the evil strongman or strongwoman against your foundations.
29, To jail the spiritual police over your arrest.
30, To recover back all good things stolen from you since you were born to your present age.


After God has delivered us from these bondages and powers, we need to cry out in prayers for full restoration of what the enemies have stolen from our destinies since our births. When bad things come out of us, then good things must enter. The spiritual exercise of asking God to bring back our original blessings is what we called Restoration. Bible says in Joel 2:25-26, ”And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you. And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. and in Psalm 85:6-7, Wilt thou not revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in thee? Shew us thy mercy, O Lord, and grant us thy salvation. When restoration takes place there will be family and national rejoicing and celebrations. Restoration is only possible by the mercy of God. (Obad 17, 1Kg 8:10-11, Joel 2:25-26, Jer 30:17b, Ps 14:7, Job 8:6).
1, Restoration is the spiritual action God employs to return your glory once stolen, back to you as the rightful and origin owner with full interest or benefit added.
2, To get compensated by heaven (God) for your long awaited and delay testimonies that were once denied.
3, To receive maximum profit over the court cases God won for you.
4, To see or experience the power of God increase over your delivered foundations.
5, To give you a new gift over the old one.
6, To send you to a new place of promotion over the former place of stagnation.
7, To put your matter as priority above any other or above your contenders.
8, To restore your former days of riches, wealth and good health that the enemies deny you.
9, To jump the cue in promotion from bottom to top after many years of waiting.
10, To break the status quo or change the law in order to favor a child of God.
11, To hand back to you with countless advantages, your breakthroughs which the evil powers of your father’s house have cheated you in for a long time.
12, To pay you back in great conditions over the previous conditions you once suffered.
13, To repay you with bonuses by great access your enemies denied you to your long awaited favor.
14, To make you creditworthy and pay off your debt miraculously by countering the plans of the strongman debt in your life.
15, To increase your yield in blessings by the lost you suffer as at when you did not know God.
16, To go from rejoicing to rejoicing and from celebrations to celebrations.
17, To make profit in business after a long time of loss.
18, To regain much power to your spiritual foundations after your deliverance compare to when you did not know God or when you were spiritually weak.
19, To re-multiply you in revenues and prosperity.
20, To rise by financial interest and surplus in your bank account by men and women wiring money to your accounts because God reveal to them to bless you (Jn 4:38).
21, To have heaven’s inheritance handed to you because you waited patiently for the Lord.
22, For God to repair your life for good.
23, For God to fix your marriage with peace after several years of marital turbulence.
24, For God to mend your ways and redirect your life to helpers and givers.
25, For your destiny to undergo heavenly decoration and refurbishment.
26, To experience turn around harvest of healings and blessings.
27, For God to reinstate you with ceaseless peace and joy.
28, For God to re-establish your life with his mercy, grace and favor,
29, For God to renovate your business with you adding no money for the renovation.
30, For God to wipe your tears and replace with immediate laughter.
31, For God to recondition your life with the fragrance of our Lord Jesus Christ (2 Cor 2:15).
32, To receive divine overhauling, reconstitution and reconstruction of your financial life for open-heaven blessings against your wasted years at the time of infestation by spiritual and physical locust, caterpillar, palmerworm and canker-worm.

33, Restoration is the action of returning something to a former owner, place or condition. i.e. the acts of repairing, fixing, mending, refurbishing, reconditioning, rehabilitating, rebuilding, redeveloping, reconstructing, overhauling, renovating, returning, re-instating, reestablishing, etc. (Obad 1:17, 1 King 8:10-11, Joel 2:25-26, Jer 30:17b).



Remember, there is the man’s own side: You must obey God by living a holy and pure life for him, live in faith, trust totally in him, serve him in truth and in spirit, be a very hard worker and a discipline person with good reports of yourself in your family, church and place of work, give your money to God & people inform of blessing them, do your very best in whatever you do, wherever you find yourself or whatever is committed to your hands do it in love, in integrity and sincerity of the heart whether you find yourself in the public or private, your heart is very important to God (Ps 51:17, Ps 51:10-12), hold no grudge against anyone and whosoever offends you, please speak out in the fear of God without pretense, do not hide bad feelings for the devil will use it against your spiritual growth and life, speak out in the love of God not destructively but constructively for the guilty person to see his/her wrong to change, speak out in a respectful and honorable manner face to face to the person avoiding gossip and forgive and forget wrongs done against you and if you find it very difficult to forgive and forget, remember your personal prayer to God will be hindered(Matt 6: 9-15), tell the Holy-Spirit to give you another heart on the situation and to help you forgive and forget it, Take note, some of these terrible persons will play against your submission and humility you show daily towards God and the things of God, they will take you for granted. ”for being humble and broken they will take you as a fool and as a very weak person”, you are not weak. you are strong in Christ Jesus. please don’t go low for Satan, you are always above them spiritually, both Satan and those terrible persons you are above them(John 3:30). What these agents of darkness  do not remember is that God is still a consuming fire and also a killer! Vengeance is not ours but of God (Rom 12:19), he will come and vindicate you at the right time, you are not a fool but a fool for Jesus. Never entertain malice, resentment, bitterness, unforgiveness, weariness, compliant, murmuring, pride and negative confession to yourself even after serious prayers, they are killers to testimonies and also not good for your health. For those who are always crooked, faking, deceitful, cunning, hiding and lying to you even after you try as a Christian to help them, please pray for them to change and if they refused, surely they will be ripping their evil actions. Don’t allow any of these terrible persons and their characters cause you to abandon your faith in the Lord, always pray for the mercy, grace, strength, power and favor of God to be sufficient for you to carry on. Always have it at the back of your mind that Satan has moved into the church for we are at the last days, he may used the closest person, friend or family member against you and to bring you down if you allow them, God has not given us the spirit of fear (1 Tim 1:7). Do your own part and leave the rest to God. This is what we call sincere Christian living and the narrow pathway to making heaven. Many Christians are always deceiving themselves thinking they know and serve God and it is even worse in most churches, many leaders over these churches are not telling their members the truth neither correcting their evil actions (whether privately or publicly to kick out the devil) making the church even more powerless, that is why many go for deliverances blindly with internal sins covered in pride thinking they are righteous and they get no result. God’s microscope is looking at the silent evil motives, intentions and assumptions in their hearts. many are not delivered, blessed or used by God because of all these secret heart wickedness in them. There evil actions cause other people in the church and outside to think or believe that God does not answer prayers anymore or he does not exist. God has left such wicked terrible persons whose friends unfortunately are waiting to see them come back from deliverance with their testimonies but to no avail. By your fake Christian living you turn other souls (i.e. your friends at home, family or work place) to hell who should have given their lives to God upon seeing Jesus’s handwork on you. You go to church every day late but you never entered your earthly boss’ s office a second late, you give a thousand and one reason in all total lies why it is difficult to come to church on time or regularly, and how it is difficult to serve God in America, you further defending for the devil, I will not say that tribal witch doctors and their devotees are better than you, they never and will never go to witchcraft meetings late not to talk of disobeying the instructions of Satan, now you see you are not even afraid of God alone who has the ultimate power to destroy but the body and the soul (Matt 10:28). You absent from divine church programs that would have ended your earthly struggles and to worsen matters you join the bands of those who enjoy not paying their tithe and offerings to God and at the same time you need deliverance and restoration. You are really a grace abuser!! May God help you to be truthful to yourself and to be consciously and sincerely discipline to God and yourself. Our God is still alive and does answer prayers. As a born again Christian, open your mind to accepting truthful instructions and corrections, also have an open mind to sincere ”change” when it comes your way. At your finger tip, you will be operating heaven here on earth, your deliverance and restoration will manifest and takes care of the spiritual side of your life and God will be talking to you if you observe these instructions (Amos 3:7). May God help use his grace to turn us to accepting and living by this truth in Jesus name, Amen (Isa 1:18-19)(Jn 8:32).



Please print out your deliverance-restoration consent form, fill it and bring it along to the deliverance-restoration centers, thank you as you comply to this directives. ( From JPT Ministries Management).