About JPT
In responding to God’s new assignment in my life, by his grace, will, purpose and leading, the Lord God gave us a new Ministry called “JESUS POWER TABERNACLE” (JPT MINISTRIES) and by April 2nd 2018 the ministry began.
JESUS POWER TABERNACLE MINISTRIES WORLDWIDE started in the basement of the Pastor with 6 adults and 4 children in attendance. To God be the glory, his basement has been a host to several Holy Ghost-Led Revival Programs that brought great salvation and testimonies to the lives of so many and till date still serving as meeting point for prayers and counseling to the people of God. No one who has ever attended one service or the other can under estimate the raw power of God that has always been demonstrated in this basement.
JESUS POWER is the supernatural power and authority of Jesus Christ that exists in the lives of true believers of God in the tabernacle or church of God. (Jn17:2-3, Matt 24:30, Matt 28:18, Col 2:15, Phil 2:10-11, Jn 1:3, Col 1:16-17, Heb 1:3).
John 17:2-3 says ‘’As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him. And this is life eternal; that they might know thee the only true God, Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. Jesus is ‘’the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last…..he who is and who was and who is to come (Rev 1:8, 17, and 2:8a). Jesus Power is seen as the power over the churches (Rev 1:20), truth (Rev 3:14), destiny (Rev 3:7) (Isa 22:22), death (Rev 1:18), angels (Rev 1:1), creation (Jn 1:1-3) and time (Acts 1:7). The Power in the Baptism of the Holy-Ghost is evident in our lives after Jesus was glorified. The Holy-Ghost and Power transforms us through Jesus Power we once received by repentance unto salvation. (Jn 1:12). Jesus Christ is the seal of our salvation and the baptizer in the Holy-Ghost (Lk 3:16, Acts 10:38).
TABERNACLE (or the Tabernacle Posts/Pillars) is the physical structure called church building. Spiritually speaking, it is the assembly of the true saints of God as the body of Christ and as conduits through which God’s power moves. The true family of God worships in the tabernacle of God through our Lord Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy-Ghost.
The JPT Ministries is a purpose driven Church focused on Salvation, ‘Praise & Worship’, Deliverance, Restoration & Healing. It is a core end-time, revival, inter-denominational and multicultural Christ-loving church where growth in the spirit is assured. It is our mission to prepare our members for heaven and also to teach more Christians how to evangelize for Christ (Matt 28:20). Our members are taught Jesus’s key doctrine of love, mercy and compassion. By helping to build a strong relationship with God and other believers, we grow the church as a family and as a whole as well reciprocate the same to non-believers alike (Eph 4:32). We strongly believe that the battles will be fought by the Lord for us (2 Chron. 20:15). This is the reason we engage in purposeful fasting and prayer exercises against dark spirits and their agents (Eph 6:12; James 5:14-16). The love of God, Freedom in Christ and Peace in the Lord is constantly expressed in our gatherings (1 John 4:18, 2 Tim 1:7). It is our goal to enable you to experience a spirit-led, heart touching salvation, deliverance and restoration messages, uplifting praise-worship and friendly people in a comfortable atmosphere. As you come, the Holy-Ghost will connect you to JESUS POWER! Remember! Jesus ALWAYS WINS ( 1 Cor 15:57).
One of the goals of JPT Ministries is to enable us to experience spirit-led, heart-touching salvation, deliverance, healing and restoration messages, uplifting praise-worship and friendly people in a comfortable atmosphere.
Our leading scripture is in 1 Cor 15:57 which says ‘’But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ’’.
Our Congregational Prayer of Distinction: “Thank you Lord Jesus now and forever more for making us children after your likeness”. Note that the above-mentioned congregational prayer is prayed after we share or say the grace of the Lord’s prayer in 2 Cor 13:14. We strongly believe that God took special consideration when he was creating man and he bestows upon man his divine value and honor which he did not confer unto the rest of Creation. whether or not, man(Adam) partially lost it, Jesus reclaimed it back to us through his blood, so we make this distinction clear in our prayers to thank God in appreciation for his marvelous work upon us. (Gen 1:26-27, Ps 8:3-8, Ps 139:14, 1 Pt 2:9, 1 Jn 4:4, Jn 14:12, Matt 17:20).